Chapter 4.1: What happened to the Jews of Europe at the beginning of the war (1939-41)?

Develop knowledge and understanding:

To deepen student knowledge and challenge common misunderstandings, in this chapter they will learn:

  • That Jewish people had different experiences in different parts of occupied Europe.

Challenge myths and misconceptions:

Here is a summary of the key myths and misconceptions that we identified in our research and that we are aiming to challenge through this textbook chapter content and its supporting materials:

  • That all experiences of Jewish persecution were the same.

Should you choose to share these with students it is very important to be clear that these are false statements and they need to be taught about with sensitivity and skill.

Access the research briefings that are relevant to this textbook chapter content here:

Research briefing 3: An unfolding genocide

Research briefing 7. Explaining the Holocaust

Support for in chapter activities:

Further enquiry –

Students can use these websites to undertake further enquiry into the experiences of Jewish people in the following countries:

Netherlands: and


France: and


Romania: and

Additional resources for teachers:

Online CPD course – Authentic Encounters with the Holocaust: A starting point for teachers. Learn more about the treatment of Jews in the Netherlands through this course which focusses upon the experiences of Leon Greenman:

Further reading materials:

Greenman, L. (2001) An Englishman in Auschwitz. Valentine Mitchell.

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