
Many people have contributed to the development of these lesson materials. In particular we would like to thank Tom Palmer, Trevor Avery, Angela Cohen and Esther Gilbert for their invaluable support and expertise. We would also like to thank Barrington Stoke, the publishers of the novel After the War both for their support and their design of these lesson materials, using their distinct design features to assist readability. We are very grateful to Violet Tobacco for the use of the illustrations from the novel After the War.

Every effort has been made to locate the copyright holders to obtain the appropriate permissions and apply the correct attributions. If you have any information that would help us in relation to copyright, please contact us. © All rights reserved to UCL Centre for Holocaust Education.

Every effort has been made to ensure that website addresses are correct. UCL Centre for Holocaust Education cannot be held responsible for the content of any website mentioned in these materials. It is sometimes possible to find a relocated web page by typing in the address of the home page for a website in the URL window of your browser.

Photo credits

The following images are included with the kind permission of Trevor Avery, the Lake District Holocaust Project:

  • ‘Jewish child Holocaust survivors in Prague en route to the Lake District in 1945’
  • ‘some of The Boys pose outside with books’
  • ‘a group of The Boys arriving at Carlisle airport’.

The following image is included with the kind permission of the Jewish Historical Institute :

  • ‘A Jewish school in Warsaw, the capital city of Poland’

The following images have been included with the kind permission of the ’45 Aid Society:

  • Some of ‘The Boys’ in Prague, 1945, before the flights that would bring them to the UK.
  • Some of ‘The Boys’ in Prague 74 years later, 2019, along with their children, grandchildren and great-grandchildren

Permission and an original copy of the image have been sought and are pending from the family of Moniek Goldberg:

  • ‘some of The Boys on holiday together on the Isle of Wight’.

The images of Solly Irving have been included with the kind permission of his family.

The image of Lipa Tepper has been included with the kind permission of his sons Al and Justin Tepper.

The following images have been included with the kind permission of Chris Webb private archive:

  • ‘German troops enter the Polish town of Piotrkow’
  • ‘German troops in Piotrkow market place’

Permissions from the following organisations have been sought:

Text credits

Extracts from the novel After the War are included with the kind permission of Tom Palmer.

Extracts from Martin Gilbert’s The Boys are included with the kind permission of the Orion Publishing Group.

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