Centre for Holocaust Education

The start of the academic year provides an excellent opportunity to talk about Holocaust education in your school and in relation to your continued professional development, through Appraisal and the Performance Management system.

The annual Appraisal conversations you may have with line management or senior leaders can enable you to have your Holocaust education work recognised, but also:

  • serve as a platform to recognise a specialist CPD need
  • demonstrate the contribution Holocaust education can play in supporting whole school improvement (Safeguarding, SMSC, citizenship, PSHE, critical thinking, literacy, vulnerable learners, achievement, community cohesion)
  • drive curriculum design, assessment, collaboration and innovative teaching and learning outcomes

Such conversations can help set key targets, such as becoming a Beacon School, or signal a determination to improve teaching and learning about the Holocaust through identifying CPD need, planning or preparation for the UCL Quality Mark, or focusing on a specific SIP element in your Beacon School work.

This powerpoint presentation offers some guidance and possible examples of targets that could follow from an appraisal conversation that includes meaningful reflection and discussion of Holocaust education in your classroom and school.

Having these appraisal conversations can ensure you have the internal support and recognition necessary to access specialist CPD or secure the reflection and planning time, resourcing or opportunities to hone Holocaust education in your school that you require.

The Centre stands ready with its pathway of professional development and programmes to assist – but identifying that need and having targets acknowledged in school makes opportunities, collaboration and access easier.

Please contact n.wetherall@ucl.ac.uk with any questions or concerns you may have regards Holocaust education discussions within Appraisals.

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